Personal Injury Lawyers and Lawsuits get a bad rap. Nevertheless, there are two positive things that come from pursuing a legitimate Injury Claim: Compensation and Accountability.
The main purpose of a Personal Injury Claim is to provide fair compensation to the injured person to make up the the injuries and losses the person suffered due to someone else’s careless and dangerous conduct. Having the responsible party pay (almost always from insurance coverage) is positive because the injured victim or the government is not forced to foot the bill
A secondary benefit of a Personal Injury claim is Accountability and Deterrence. Having a claim pursued against the Defendant holds the careless person or entity responsible for the wrongful conduct and can act as a deterrent so someone else doesn’t get hurt. This is a side benefit of a Personal Injury Claim.
Tim Rayne is a Personal Injury Lawyer with the Chester County Pennsylvania based law firm MacElree Harvey and can be reached at 610-840-0124 or or you can visit his website at