When you are injured in a car accident in Pennsylvania it might surprise you to learn that your own car insurance company will pay your medical bills up to the amount of your medical coverage which has to be at least $5,000. Pennsylvania car accident medical claims are handled on a “no fault” basis. That means that, regardless of who caused a car accident, your own car insurance will pay for your medical bills up to the amount of your coverage. Given this “no fault” system for payment of medical bills after a car accident, there are a few good reasons to purchase more than the Pennsylvania state minimum of $5,000.
Low Cost The first reason to consider upgrading your medical coverage from the minimum of $5,000, to $10,000, $25,000, $100,000 or even more is the Low Cost of the medical coverage. Check with your agent, but upgrading your medical coverage is usually very inexpensive, sometimes as low as a few dollars more per month.
High Deductible and Co-Pays in Health Insurance The second reason to consider upgrading your medical coverage is the fact that nowadays most of us carry Health Insurance Plans with very high deductibles and co-pays. If you have a serious injury from a car accident and use up your car insurance medical coverage, you may be forced to pay large deductibles and co-pays out-of-pocket which could cause great financial hardship. With car insurance medical coverage this is no such thing as a co-pay or a deductible so you are much better off having all of your medical bills covered by car insurance rather than having to submit bills to your Health Insurance.
If you have any other questions regarding your Pennsylvania Car Insurance, visit my website and check out my Free Book A Lawyer’s Guide to Puchasing Car Insurance.